2012-07-22 18:12:27 来源:我爱运维网 评论:0 点击:
一、Dell服务器 RAID卡介绍
二、阵列卡的Stripe size介绍
四、查看SAS 6/iR卡的信息
一、Dell服务器 RAID卡介绍
SAS 6/iR :只支持2块硬盘做 raid0,或者raid1,或者不做阵列卡 (Dell硬件聊天室获得)
PERC 6/i Integrated
Memory Size: 256MB
RAID Level Supported: RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID10, RAID50, RAID60, PRL 11, PRL 11 with spanning, SRL 3 supported
Supported Drives: SAS, SATA
Min Stripe Size: 8 KB
Max Stripe Size: 1.0 MB
接口速度Link Speed: 3.0Gb/s
PERC H700 Integrated
Memory Size: 512MB
RAID Level Supported: RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID10, RAID50, RAID60, PRL 11, PRL 11 with spanning
Supported Drives: SAS, SATA
Min Stripe Size: 8 KB
Max Stripe Size: 1.0 MB
接口速度Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s
PERC H200(6 Gb/秒)
PERC H700(6Gb /秒),配备512 MB非易失性高速缓存
PERC H700(6 Gb/秒),配备512 MB电池后备高速缓存;512 MB、1 G非易失性电池后备高速缓存
PERC 6/i,配备256 MB电池后备高速缓存
PERC H800(6Gb/秒),配备512 MB非易失性高速缓存
PERC H800(6Gb/秒),配备512 MB电池后备高速缓存;512 MB、1 G非易失性电池后备高速缓存
PERC 6/E,配备256 MB或512 MB电池后备高速缓存
二、阵列卡的Stripe size介绍
Stripe size 默认64KB。
1、Stripe size百科介绍
不同Stripe size的选择直接影响性能,如IOPS和吞吐量。
Stripe size值小,通过多块磁盘响应多个I/O请求,可以增加I/O访问速率(IOPS)
Stripe size值大,通过多块磁盘响应一个I/O请求,可以增加数据传输速率(Mbps)
2、Stripe size一般设置
通常,小Stripe size适用于数据库,一般Stripe size适用于文件服务器,大Stripe size适用于多煤体应用。实际应用stripe size大小应在效率测试后具体设置。
查看RAID信息的工具有mpt-status、megarc、dell OpenManage。经测试只有megacli可以实现目标,dell OpenManage由于较大90M左右没有安装。
megacli工具非常强大,不仅能查看RAID卡信息,而且还能设置RAID卡,但是不支持SAS 6/iR的RAID卡,不推荐采用megacli在线设置RAID卡,本文也仅用于监控挂接在RAID上的硬盘状态。
root@3:~# lspci |grep RAID H700
02:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic Device 0079 (rev 04)
root@3:~# lspci |grep RAID PERC 6/i
03:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 1078 (rev 04)
root@k:~# lspci|grep SAS SAS 6/iR
03:00.0 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 08)
root@3:~# more /etc/apt/sources.list
##add monitor dell perc 6/i raidcontroller's source
deb lenny main
root@3:~# apt-get update
root@3:~# apt-get install megacli
术语:BBU 电池备份单元(Battery Backup Unit)
megacli -LDInfo -Lall -aALL 查raid级别
megacli -AdpAllInfo -aALL 查raid卡信息
megacli -PDList -aALL 查看硬盘信息
megacli -AdpBbuCmd -aAll 查看电池信息
megacli -FwTermLog -Dsply -aALL 查看raid卡日志
megacli -adpCount 显示适配器个数
megacli -AdpGetTime –aALL 显示适配器时间
megacli -AdpAllInfo -aAll 显示所有适配器信息
megacli -LDInfo -LALL -aAll 显示所有逻辑磁盘组信息
megacli -PDList -aAll 显示所有的物理信息
megacli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL |grep ‘Charger Status’ 查看充电状态
megacli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL 显示BBU状态信息
megacli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo -aALL 显示BBU容量信息
megacli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo -aALL 显示BBU设计参数
megacli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties -aALL 显示当前BBU属性
megacli -cfgdsply -aALL 显示Raid卡型号,Raid设置,Disk相关信息
root@3:~# more /backup/autobackup/autoshell/check_raid_disk_health
logtime=$(date +%Y%m%d --date='1 days ago')
echo "Checking RAID status on $host" >$log_dir$logtime$log_name$host$fix
RAID_Contrller=`megacli -AdpAllInfo -aALL |grep "Product Name" | cut -d: -f2`
echo "Controller : $RAID_Contrller" >>$log_dir$logtime$log_name$host$fix
Online_disk_num=`megacli -PDList -aALL | grep Online | wc -l`
echo "Totall number of Physical disks online : $Online_disk_num" >>$log_dir$logtime$log_name$host$fix
Degrade_disk=`megacli -AdpAllInfo -a0 |grep "Degrade"`
echo $Degrade_disk >>$log_dir$logtime$log_name$host$fix
Degrade_disk_num=`echo $Degrade_disk |cut -d" " -f3`
Failed_disk=`megacli -AdpAllInfo -a0 |grep "Failed Disks"`
echo $Failed_disk >>$log_dir$logtime$log_name$host$fix
Failed_disk_num=`echo $Failed_disk |cut -d" " -f4`
##将raid_disk_monitor.log scp到mail上
scp -P120 $log_dir$logtime$log_name$host$fix lai@60.*.*.*:/data/autobackup/logsum
ssh -p120 lai@ "cat /data/autobackup/logsum//$(date +%Y%m%d --date='1 days ago')_raid*| mail -s "`echo "
/$(date +%Y'年'%m'月'%d'日' --date='1 days ago')ERROR:tv3_RAID卡硬盘报警"|iconv -f utf-8 -t gbk`"
m,186053135** -- -f"
[ "$Degrade_disk_num" -ne 0 ] && STATUS=1
[ "$Failed_disk_num" -ne 0 ] && STATUS=1
exit $STATUS
四、查看SAS 6/iR卡的信息
因为megacli不支持SAS 6/iR卡,使用一款叫做lsiutil的绿色免安装工具来查看SAS 6/iR卡的信息。
直接解压,运行目录里面的lsiutil 即可.
[root@k]# tar -zxvf lsiutil.tar.gz
[root@k]# cd lsiutil
[root@k]# ./lsiutil 【交互式运行】
LSI Logic MPT Configuration Utility, Version 1.56, March 19, 2008
1 MPT Port found
Port Name Chip Vendor/Type/Rev MPT Rev Firmware Rev IOC
1. /proc/mpt/ioc0 LSI Logic SAS1068E B3 105 00192f00 0
Select a device: [1-1 or 0 to quit] 1
1. Identify firmware, BIOS, and/or FCode
2. Download firmware (update the FLASH)
4. Download/erase BIOS and/or FCode (update the FLASH)
8. Scan for devices
10. Change IOC settings (interrupt coalescing)
13. Change SAS IO Unit settings
16. Display attached devices
20. Diagnostics
21. RAID actions
22. Reset bus
23. Reset target
42. Display operating system names for devices
45. Concatenate SAS firmware and NVDATA files
60. Show non-default settings
61. Restore default settings
69. Show board manufacturing information
97. Reset SAS link, HARD RESET
98. Reset SAS link
99. Reset port
e Enable expert mode in menus
p Enable paged mode
w Enable logging
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 69 --- 查看Raid 卡的信息板子名称【SAS6IR】
Seg/Bus/Dev/Fun Board Name Board Assembly Board Tracer
0 2 0 0 SAS6IR
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 8 ---扫描硬盘设备并打印设备状态
SAS1068E's links are 3.0 G, 3.0 G, down, down, off, off, off, off
B___T___L Type Vendor Product Rev SASAddress PhyNum
0 0 0 Disk Dell VIRTUAL DISK 1028
0 8 0 EnclServ DP BACKPLANE 1.07 5942b0b02dcf1a00 8
Hidden RAID Devices:
B___T Device Vendor Product Rev SASAddress PhyNum
0 1 PhysDisk 0 SEAGATE ST3600057SS ES62 5000c50023c4b95d 1
0 9 PhysDisk 1 SEAGATE ST3600057SS ES62 5000c50023c4bd95 0
【查看Raid 状态】: 进入21 选项:
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 21
1. Show volumes
2. Show physical disks
3. Get volume state
4. Wait for volume resync to complete
23. Replace physical disk
26. Disable drive firmware update mode
27. Enable drive firmware update mode
30. Create volume
31. Delete volume
32. Change volume settings
33. Change volume name
50. Create hot spare
99. Reset port
e Enable expert mode in menus
p Enable paged mode
w Enable logging
RAID actions menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 2 ---查看设备在线状态
1 volume is active, 2 physical disks are active
PhysDisk 0 is Bus 0 Target 1
PhysDisk State: online
PhysDisk Size 572325 MB, Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST3600057SS ES62
Warning, page length in reply does not match page length in buffer
(9 vs. 15)
PhysDisk 1 is Bus 0 Target 9
PhysDisk State: online
PhysDisk Size 572325 MB, Inquiry Data: SEAGATE ST3600057SS ES62
Warning, page length in reply does not match page length in buffer
(9 vs. 15)
注意,因为我的两块硬盘做得是Raid 0 ,如果你的磁盘做得是Raid 1 可以通过 【4. Wait for volume resync to complete】两块硬盘的同步
RAID actions menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 4 ---我的是Raid 0
Volume 0 State: optimal, enabled
30. Create volume
31. Delete volume
32. Change volume settings
33. Change volume name
50. Create hot spare
3、非交互方式查看SAS 6/iR卡信息
lsiutil –p1 –a 8,21,4,0,0
-p1 指1 MPT Port found
-a 指你选择的菜单号,并使用逗号分开.
0表示退出参数------即进入几个菜单,就是用几个0 做退出!
[root@k]# ./lsiutil -p1 -a 8,21,4,0,0
LSI Logic MPT Configuration Utility, Version 1.56, March 19, 2008
1 MPT Port found
Port Name Chip Vendor/Type/Rev MPT Rev Firmware Rev IOC
1. /proc/mpt/ioc0 LSI Logic SAS1068E B3 105 00192f00 0
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 8
SAS1068E's links are 3.0 G, 3.0 G, down, down, off, off, off, off
B___T___L Type Vendor Product Rev SASAddress PhyNum
0 0 0 Disk Dell VIRTUAL DISK 1028
0 8 0 EnclServ DP BACKPLANE 1.07 5942b0b02dcf1a00 8
Hidden RAID Devices:
B___T Device Vendor Product Rev SASAddress PhyNum
0 1 PhysDisk 0 SEAGATE ST3600057SS ES62 5000c50023c4b95d 1
0 9 PhysDisk 1 SEAGATE ST3600057SS ES62 5000c50023c4bd95 0
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 21
RAID actions menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 4
Volume 0 State: optimal, enabled
RAID actions menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 0
Main menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 0
1、SAS 6/iR Features
This section provides the specifications of Dell邃「 Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS) 6/iR controller. The following table compares the specifications of the SAS 6/iR Adapter and SAS 6/iR Integrated.
Table 3-1. Specifications of SAS 6/iR
Specification |
SAS 6/iR Adapter |
SAS 6/iR Integrated |
SAS technology |
Yes |
Yes |
Support for x4, x8, or x16 PCI Express Host Interface |
Yes |
Yes |
Form Factor |
Standard-Height, Half-Length PCI Adapter |
Standard-Height, Half-Length PCI on all systems except on blade servers (where the dimension do not follow industry standards) and some Precision workstations (where the controller has been integrated on the mother board) |
I/O controller (IOC) |
LSI SAS 1068e |
LSI SAS 1068e |
Core Speed: 255 MHz |
Core Speed: 255 MHz |
Operating voltage requirements |
+12V, +3.3V, +3.3Vaux |
+12V, +3.3V, +3.3Vaux |
Communication to the system |
PCI-E lanes |
System dependent |
Communication to end devices |
SAS Links |
SAS Links |
SAS Connectors |
2 x4 Internal |
2 x4 Internal connectors on all systems, with two exceptions: 4 x1 on Precision workstations with controller integrated on the motherboard, no SAS connector on the controller for the blades (I/O is routed though the PCI connector) |
Lead Free |
Yes |
Yes |
Supported operating systems |
Microsoftツョ Windows Serverツョ2003 Family, Windowsツョ XP, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Family, Windows Vista邃「, Red Hatツョ Enterprise Linuxツョ Versions 4 and 5, SUSEツョ Linux Enterprise Server Version 10. |
Dell-compliant SAS and SATA compatibility |
Yes |
Yes |
Dell supported direct connected end devices |
Dell-compliant physical disks |
Dell-compliant physical disks |
SMART error support through management applications |
Yes |
Yes |
Backplane supported systems |
Yes |
Yes |
Hardware-based RAID |
RAID 0, RAID 1 |
RAID 0, RAID 1 |
Maximum number of virtual disks |
2 |
2 |
Storage management software |
OpenManage邃「 Storage Services, SAS RAID Storage Manager |
OpenManage Storage Services, SAS RAID Storage Manager |
NOTE:The management software that is supported depends on the specific platform. |
Support for internal tape drive |
No |
No |
Support for Global Hotspare |
Yes |
Yes |
Maximum number of Hotspares |
2 |
2 |
DellTM PERC Products
Interface Support |
PCI Support |
SAS Connectors |
Cache Memory Size |
Write Back Cache |
RAID Levels |
Max Drive Support |
RAID Support |
PERC H800 Adapter |
6Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 2.0 |
2x4 external |
512MB |
Yes (TBBU) |
0,1,5,6,10,50,60 |
192 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC H700 Integrated / Adapter |
6Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 2.0 |
2x4 internal |
512MB |
Yes (BBU) |
0,1,5,6,10,50,60 |
16 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC H700 Modular |
6Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 2.0 |
1x4 internal |
512MB |
Yes (BBU) |
0,1,5,6,10 |
4 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC H200 Integrated / Adapter |
6Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 2.0 |
2x4 internal |
- |
- |
0,1,10,supports Non-RAID |
16 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC H200 Modular |
6Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 2.0 |
1x4 internal |
- |
- |
0,1,10,supports Non-RAID |
4 |
Hardware RAID |
6Gbps SAS HBA |
6Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 2.0 |
2x4 External |
- |
- |
- |
- |
HBA Hardware |
PERC 6/E Adapter |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
2x4 external |
512MB |
Yes (TBBU) |
0,1,5,6,10,50,60 |
144 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC 6/I Integrated / Adapter |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
2x4 internal |
256MB |
Yes (BBU) |
0,1,5,6,10,50,60 |
16 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC 6/I Modular |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
1x4 internal |
256MB |
Yes (BBU) |
0,1,5,6,10 |
4 |
Hardware RAID |
CERC 6/I Modular |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
1x4 internal |
128MB |
- |
0,1,5,6,10 |
4 |
Hardware RAID |
SAS 6/IR Integrated / Adapter |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
2x4 internal |
- |
- |
0,1 |
8 |
Hardware RAID |
SAS 6/IR Modular |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
1x4 internal |
- |
- |
0,1 |
4 |
Hardware RAID |
PERC S300 |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
2x4 internal |
- |
- |
0,1,10,5 |
8 |
Software RAID on HBA |
PERC S100 |
3Gb/s SAS |
- |
4 cabled SATA |
- |
- |
0,1,10,5 |
4 |
Software RAID on SATA chipset |
3Gb/s SAS |
PCI-Express 1.0 |
2x4 e |

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